Property Insurance at Insurance Dealer – catering for the needs of both the commercial and residential landlords. Are you looking for great cover at a low price on your property insurance then use Insurance Dealer to assist. We beat over 95% of renewals on a like for like basis subject to you having been claims free for at least three years.
“We recommend you contact GIRS on 01932450154”

Home Contents Insurance
Standard house contents insurance for the owner-occupier again where the property is principally of standard construction (brick or stone and roofed with slate or tile). This policy covers general contents, clothing, jewellery, pictures, antiques etc within the home. A huge choice of covers is available. Accidental damage, personal belongings away from the home, pedal cycles, lap-tops, spectacles, collections, money and mobile phones are but a few of the options available.
Executive Home Insurance
Buildings and contents cover for customers who require buildings cover of over £200,000 and contents cover of over £50,000 and wider cover. Cover is tailored individually and normally includes accidental damage and worldwide all risks cover on all their contents as standard. Higher valuables limits usually accompany these quotations.
High Net Worth – High Value Home Insurance
Exceptional property insurance policies to cater for clients who demand only the highest levels of cover for properties requiring buildings sum insured of at least £500,000 and contents of £150,000. Cover will include accidental damage and worldwide all risks on all property as standard and will also facilitate very high jewellery sums insured, works of art, collections and antiques. These policies are underwritten on a bespoke basis by specialist insurers with particular expertise in this field. Only a personal conversation will do, as these policies do not fit on our online quote systems – We recommend Grafton Insurance Risk Solutions – 01932450154
Home insurance policies available for thatched or part-thatched roof properties at highly competitive rates. Cover is available irrespective of whether the thatcged property has fixed central heating, wood burning stoves or open fires. Usually Grade I or Grade II listed also, policies are designed to accommodate most scenarios. Contact us for expert advice on these beautiful homes. We recommend Grafton Insurance Risk Solutions – 01932450154
Non-Standard Construction Property Insurance
We have vast experience in insuring all sorts of properties that are considered non-standard by insurers. We can cover properties constructed of timber, 100% flat roof (felt on timber), cob, metal, glass – even grass! Please call GIRS for a tailored quotation on 01932450154
Second or Holiday Home Insurance
Quality policies for those properties that are commonly used at the weekend, used by family members or used as commercial holiday lets. Any property within the UK, Spain, France or Portugal particularly, can be covered with terms that are not onerous.
Property Insurance for the landlord looking to cover their buy to let investment. Any type of tenant can be covered from a professional couple or family to a tenancy agreement with a council or housing association. Cover is very similar to that of standard house insurance with the additional comfort of loss of rent cover following an insured loss. Property owners liability is also included as standard. Additional polices can be purchased to cover rent guarantee and legal expenses.
Landlords Contents Insurance
Policies can be arranged to cover landlords own contents within furnished or part-furnished properties. Whilst not usually bought in isolation, these polices will cover carpets, curtains, white goods and furniture at extremely low premiums.
Although tenants need not worry over the purchase of buildings insurance necessarily, their own contents and belongings do need to be covered. Again, cover can be arranged simply and swiftly dependant upon your needs.
This is a particular area of expertise for GIRS Insurance. Good quality cover is often difficult to find in the UK but we have successfully been running a vacant property insurance scheme for a number of years under our Stronghold product. We have a complete understanding of the problems facing customers and insurers alike and can offer three levels of cover from the most basic to full perils including escape of water, theft and malicious damage. A telephone call to GIRS is a must – 01932450154
Working from Home Insurance
Customers are increasingly working from home but standard house insurance contracts do not cater for or cover business enterprises at home. A wide range of occupations are covered from architects to the retail trades. Cover is provided for business contents, stock, business interruption, public and employers liability in and away from the home and all-risks covering lap-tops, tools and the like.
Bed and Breakfast Insurance
If you’ll excuse the pun, we can cater for most kinds of bed and breakfast type business concerns. Cover is given to include your own buildings and contents plus guest effects, property owners liability and alternative accommodation from one room to ten. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Refused home insurance
Customers who have previously been refused home insurance need look no further than Active Insurance. Dependent on your circumstances, we can offer full cover for your property. A confidential telephone call to GIRS is required in the first instance.
Home Insurance with High a Claims Experience
Some customers are just unlucky but we have also seen an increasing number of customers that have claimed legitimately a number of times but have not received any advice from their insurer, particularly direct insurers, as to the consequences of claiming for small amounts. Please contact us as we are very sympathetic in these instances and can help in most cases to keep premiums down.
House Insurance in Flood Areas
Again, we have specialist knowledge in this area and use a number of tools to ascertain each property on its own merits. This is a hot topic at the moment and we do not rely solely on the Environment Agency register. A classic example would be of a property that is designated to be in a flood area but is actually located on a hill and the chance of it flooding is extremely unlikely. Contact us for terms and premiums.
Convicted or Criminal Convictions – House Insurance
Again, all requests from customers who have previous convictions will be treated in the strictest confidence. Dependent on the nature of your convictions, we can provide cover that will be acceptable to all banks and financial institutions for mortgage purposes.