Most people think of vehicle insurance as a yearly option, however there are short-term policies available that vary from a single day, up to a maximum of 28 days for when you require insurance for a temporary period of time. Please ensure you read the full acceptance criteria on the one day insurance product before proceeding to purchase as often no refunds are available on this type of insurance.
Instant online 1 to 28 days car insurance
Temporary car, motobike and van insurance cover
Add temporary additional drivers
Get your road tax with our short term car insurance – subject to post office acceptance
Get a one day insurance policy for drive-away cover after a purchase of a new vehicle
Drivers aged 21 years old and up to 75 years of age
One Day Car Insurance
What is One day Car Insurance?
There arise circumstances when you will need a temporary short term car insurance policy just for one day or perhaps for one week. In this instance a short term 1 to 28 days car insurance is a perfectly viable option. Normally you can get temporary cover with your existing insurer. For example you want to add a temporary additional driver onto your existing motor insurance policy. You would call your motor insurers to have this arranged. But what if it’s late in the evening or on a weekend and you are unable to contact your car insurance company. In this case you can go online and purchase a one day car insurance policy with a few clicks of the mouse. The documents will be available for you to print immediately.
Under what circumstances can I use a one day car insurance policy?
There are many other reasons where a daily car insurance policy is very handy. You could be lending your car to a family member or a friend or perhaps you could be borrowing a friends car and require insurance for 1 day. Other reasons could include you have just purchased either a new or a second hand car and need drive-away cover allowing you time to shop around for annual policy. The one day insurance policy could be used for test driving a car where the garage is unable to provide insurance cover. As well as car cover the one day insurance cover is also available for van.
The one day insurance policy also can be taken out by EEC licence holders subject to terms and conditions. So if you have friends or family members abroad and visiting you in the UK, they can also take out a 1 to 28 days policy to drive your car subject to your permission.
There are many circumstances where a short term one day insurance policy is useful instead of an annual cover. If you have a sibling that’s at college or university and needs to borrow your car when on holidays then again the temporary car insurance can be used.
You might also want short-term cover if your car is in for repairs or a service at a garage and you need to borrow afriend’s car for a few days. In this circumstance a 1 day car insurance solution is perfect.
You might want a one day van insurance policy if you are borrowing a van to move furniture from one location to another to avoid the large costs associated with a removals firm.
Before proceeding with an online one day car insurance quote please ensure that you have read the acceptance criteria on the insurers website and any conditions that you have to abide by. Another important point to note is that a 1 day car insurance policy cannot be used to have a vehicle released that has been impounded. This is clearly written on the certificate of insurance.